Securely document patient information
Before medical treatment, patients must be fully informed about the planned procedure and its necessity, as well as possible complications and the type and severity of the procedure. Possible treatment alternatives and individual peculiarities are also to be addressed. Without complete clarification, there can be no informed consent and the intervention is illegal. Information sheets support the doctor-patient discussion. They contain a comprehensive description of the procedure, a medical history and documentation section, and also a declaration of consent.
- Over 2000 information sheets from more than 30 specialty areas in up to 16 languages are available to you.
- Our network of medical authors and legal consultants guarantees you always have medically and legally up-to-date educational content.
- Professional societies and associations recommend the information sheets from Thieme Compliance.
FAQ: Information sheets
In order to avoid duplicate content in the future, we are streamlining our offering. Here is an overview.
What do I have to consider when providing information to patients?
How do I handle copying information sheets?
Where can I find what in the information sheet?
In the medical history section, general information (age, height, etc.) is requested. In addition, the state of health, relevant previous illnesses, and possible allergies are recorded.
Medical comments on the consultation are recorded in the documentation section. The declaration of consent is also included here. With their consent, patients confirm that a consultation with a doctor has taken place and that they feel they prepared for the procedure.