Optimise your processes with digital patient education
E-ConsentPro software for digital patient education offers you a holistic solution for medically and legally sound patient education. E-ConsentPro enables digital access to more than 2000 patient information sheets in up to 16 languages. Patient data can be transferred directly to the patient information sheet via a connection to your existing hospital or doctor information system.
- Printout of information sheets
- Digital medical history
- Electronic signature and secure archiving of patient information sheets as PDF/A documents
- Integration of your own documents
E-ConsentPro in detail – Find the right solution for your requirements
Integrate your own documents into the digital process
Completely digital patient information from medical history to information sheet archiving
The patient data is transferred directly from the hospital or doctor information system. As part of the digital medical history, the patient responds to the individual questions step by step on their mobile device, and the doctor can review it before the consultation. This gives doctors more time for the individual doctor-patient consultation.
The integration of suitable educational films leads to higher patient satisfaction thanks to better understanding of their procedure. Finally, the patient information sheet is signed electronically and a PDF/A document is created for digital archiving.
Record medical history data – independent of time and place
Direct transfer of patient data from the hospital or doctor information system
Medical supplementary texts and additional questions can be added to the patient information sheets and remain ready for when the sheets are called up again. Finally, the information sheets are filled out and signed by hand as usual.
FAQs about E-ConsentPro
Alle Informationen zu den technischen Voraussetzungen finden Sie hier.
Bitte fordern Sie hier Ihr individuelles unverbindliches Angebot an.
Ja. Die Software E-ConsentPro ermöglicht den digitalen Zugriff auf alle Aufklärungsbögen von Thieme Compliance in bis zu 16 Sprachen.
Nein. Wir beraten Sie gerne bei der Wahl der Hardware, stellen aber keine zur Verfügung.
Am besten Sie schauen den Film zu E-ConsentPro mobile an.
Aufgrund mehrfacher Sicherungsmaßnahmen weist ein digital signierter Aufklärungsbogen keinen geminderten Beweiswert gegenüber der handschriftlichen Dokumentation auf.
Gerne erläutern wir Ihnen unsere Verfahren genauer. Kontaktieren Sie uns dazu gerne.
Informationen zu empfohlenen Geräten für die elektronische Unterschrift finden Sie in den Systemvoraussetzungen für E-ConsentPro.