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76 Products found
  • Femoralis- und Ischiadicusblockade
    Short code  VA05
    Order number DE10005299
  • Intensivmedizin
    Short code  VA03
    Order number DE10003199
  • Allgemeinanästhesie (stationär)
    Short code  VA01
    Order number DE10001299
  • Interskalenäre Plexusanästhesie
    Short code  VA08
    Order number DE10008299
  • Spinalanästhesie
    Short code  VA10
    Order number DE10010299
  • PCA
    Short code  VA09
    Order number DE10009299
  • PDA
    Short code  VA11
    Order number DE10011299
  • Augenanästhesie
    Short code  VA13
    Order number DE10013299
  • Geburtshilfliche PDA
    Short code  VA12
    Order number DE10012299
  • Allgemeinanästhesie (ambulant)
    Short code  VA15
    Order number DE10015299
  • Kaiserschnitt unter Spinalanästhesie
    Short code  VAOW01
    Order number DE10017399
  • Allgemeinanästhesie + Hämodynamisches Monitoring + PDA
    Short code  VA01.50
    Order number DE10018299
  • Allgemeinanästhesie + Hämodynamisches Monitoring
    Short code  VA01.60
    Order number DE10019299
  • Allgemeinanästhesie für Kinder
    Short code  VA20/UT_UK
    Order number DE10020390
  • Supraklavikuläre Plexusanästhesie
    Short code  VA21/UT_ES
    Order number DE10021391
  • Intravenöse Regionalanästhesie am Arm
    Short code  VA23/AE
    Order number AE10023399
  • Vertikal Infraklavikuläre Plexusanästhesie
    Short code  VA22/UT_DE
    Order number DE10022394
  • Subtenonanästhesie
    Short code  VA24/UT_DE
    Order number DE10024394
  • Cholezystektomie
    Short code  VC01
    Order number DE12001399
  • Operativer Verschluss eines Leistenbruches
    Short code  VC02
    Order number DE12002399
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